Wednesday 23 January 2013

pearly penile papules(=PERALY PENILE PEPULES=)

Objectively find the skin itchy eruption, consisting of many of thousands of vesicles, pustules, pa pules and linear corridors in various stages of development. Patton mucky feature is the presence of corridors.

Localization: For adults inter digital, wrist, on the genitals of men, women on the breast, buttocks, umbilical landscape and ankles for children on the face, scalp, palms and soles for infants over the body.

The primary lesion may cover acute pearly penile papules dermatitis and thus complicate diagnosis complications secondary bacterial infection, posts prorates urinary and housemates manifestations.

Scabies in neat people - psoriasis can occur in people with high hygienic standards.

Diagnosis is then very difficult, because the lesions are few obvious corridors is mostly absent or difficult to detect. Most of the mites is removed during bathing, but may be present larval pa pules.

Nodular Pa pules - occurs in about 1/16 cases and a hypersensitivity reaction to the mites and may persist for several months despite adequate therapy. Itchy nodules are reddish brown and occur in sheltered parts of the body, most often on the male genitalia, groin and maxilla.

Rarely can detect these mites nodules may persist for months or even a year. It is necessary to distinguish insect bites, or forms of hastier mitosis and lymphoma.

Norwegian Scabies - is unusual virulent form of mange that produces local or regional epidemics, usually hospital. Affected are weakening, mostly mentally retarded, and patients with impaired immunity (including HIV infection). It is highly contagious, because peeling skin are thousands to millions of mites.

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